Teeka R Bhattarai, Pramod Dahal, Nar B Chepang, Khem BK, Kusum Chepang, Julia
Chitrakar, Gobinda
Ghimire, Devendra
Adhikari, Bijaya
Subba, Bhim B Chepang
. 2001. Participatory Action Research on Chiuri Tree: A Cornerstone for
Understanding Community Forestry through NTFP Management in Central Nepal
Teeka R Bhattarai, Devendra Adhikari, Ishwori Nepal. 1998. SEACOW and
Chisa Kruskaisa.
PLA Notes 32, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Program,
International Institute for Environment and Development (iied), London, UK
Teeka R Bhattarai. 1997. Non-formal Educational Programs Addressing Knowledge System: A dual
Edged Sword. Paper presented in International Conference on Creativity and
Innovation at Grassroots for Sustainable Natural Resource Management, 11-14
January 1997, Ahmedabad, India
Bernard De le Court, Devendra Adhikari. 1995. Economical Potentials of Chiuri ghee in
Nepal. Paper presented in seminar on Plant Oil Energy in Nepal organised by
GEM/Nepal, 16-18 October 1995, Kathmandu
Teeka R Bhattarai. 1998. Understanding Empowerment in Practice: Notes from Experiences.
Unpublished paper
Teeka R Bhattarai. 1999. Forest and indigenous peoples of Nepal. In: Forests and Indigenous
Peoples of Asia- An MRG International Report. MRG (ed). London, UK
Teeka R Bhattarai. 1999. Forest and Indigenous/Oppressed People in Nepal. SOUTHLINK-
South-South Solidarity Newsletter, Vol. X No. 1&2. South-South Soladarity,
New Delhi, India
Pramod Dahal, Teeka R Bhattarai. 1997. Looking From Within: Adding Value to Chiuri.
Paper presented in International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at
Grassroots for Sustainable Natural Resource Management, 11-14 January 1997, Ahmedabad,
Teeka R Bhattarai. 1994. Sashaktikaran: Kehi Prashnaharu (Nepali- translated as Empowerment: Few
Questions). Bikas Vol. 3 No. 5. SLF, Kathmandu